Psychologist helps you find a way out of crisis situations (conflict situations in the family, problems at work, emotional burnout).

Without qualified help, prolonged stress and emotional turmoil can lead to long-term depression and health problems.

Who is a psychologist?

A psychologist is a professional who helps you find healthy ways to deal with psychological problems. His main task is to maintain the normal functioning of the psyche.

The profession of a psychologist, unlike a psychotherapist and psychiatrist, usually involves a liberal arts education. A specialist works with people who have encountered psychological difficulties, such as chronic stress, problems at work, and conflicts in the family. He also helps to overcome insecurity and self-actualization.

A psychologist’s expertise does not include making a diagnosis or prescribing medications. However, he is involved in the social and psychological rehabilitation of patients who have experienced traumatic events.

What does a psychologist do?

The field of work of a psychologist is crisis situations and difficulties related to mental health. For example, he helps a person with symptoms of depression and anxiety.

A psychologist uses different psychological techniques depending on the problem with which he is approached. A common approach is the use of talk therapy. The technique is aimed at finding the hidden meanings of the client’s feelings and makes it possible to get rid of symptoms and improve emotional well-being. If necessary, the psychologist can interact with other medical staff (family physician, psychiatrist) to ensure that the client receives proper therapy.

What kinds of psychologists exist?

There are many branches in which a psychologist may specialize, such as practical psychology, clinical psychology, developmental psychology, influence psychology, etc. Each branch concentrates on different goals and areas of human life.

Broadly speaking, a practical psychologist is any professional who applies psychological techniques in practice. The primary function of a practical psychologist is to provide psychological care to people who need it.

A clinical psychologist provides support and care for people with mental health and behavioral problems. He also helps manage psychological symptoms (insecurity, feelings of hopelessness) caused by other health problems (erectile dysfunction, coronavirus, oncopathology).

A relationship therapist helps to constructively discuss problems and build relationships within the couple. An influence psychologist works with how a person interprets situations and the impact of those interpretations on human behavior, feelings and emotions.

At what age can I consult a psychologist?

Psychological assistance may be required at any age. However, for children under the age of 5-6 years, consultation with a specialist may be ineffective, since the child at this age is still strongly attached to his or her parents and is only influenced by them. A child psychologist can assess the child’s readiness for school and help in the process of adapting to the new environment and daily routine. A psychologist for a teenager is needed when there are sudden changes in mood, aggression, secrecy and avoidance of communication with people. Also, a specialist can help cope with the excitement of graduating from school and going to university.

When do I need to see a psychologist?

The service of a psychologist can be useful to anyone who is experiencing emotional, behavioral or cognitive (memory impairment, reduced attention span) problems. A specialist can also help with chronic stress caused by conflict, job loss, or a change in environment. Symptoms of chronic stress include:

  • frequent headaches, migraines;
  • irritability, angry outbursts;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • Sleep disturbances (insomnia or restless sleep);
  • difficulty concentrating;
  • Loss of appetite; digestive problems;
  • frequent colds.

It is necessary to consult a psychologist in case of panic attacks, which are manifested by attacks of suffocation, heart rhythm disorders, chills, hot or cold waves. To help the client get rid of panic attacks, a specialist will individually select a psychological technique depending on the cause of the symptoms.

How to choose a psychologist?

The main criterion that will help you choose a psychologist is the observance of professional ethics. The psychologist should not make assessments of your actions and feelings or criticize them. He also does not violate a person’s boundaries, does not impose help or give advice on how to live your life properly.

Be sure to ask the psychologist about his education and experience in dealing with problems similar to yours. Also, ask the specialist what methods he uses in his work – a professional will be able to describe their essence briefly and clearly, without complicated terminology.

When choosing a psychologist, also be guided by your own feelings. Communication should be comfortable and easy. If the conversation feels tense, it is better to look for another specialist.

How does a consultation with a psychologist go?

Counseling by a psychologist is built on a conversation that is aimed at assessing the person’s current condition, figuring out the causes of insecurity and determining the range of psychological problems that need to be solved. The psychologist determines the scenario of the conversation depending on many factors: the methodology chosen, the client’s current requests, the stage of therapy, etc.

The psychologist’s sessions can be individual and group. In group therapy, a special group with similar problems is formed which meets regularly and works under the direction of the psychologist.

What is art therapy?

Art therapy is a method of psychological therapy based on the use of artistic techniques to improve mental health. The goal of art therapy is to help people explore emotions, develop self-awareness, cope with stress, improve self-esteem, and work with social skills through the creative process.

Methods used in art therapy can include finger painting, clay work, sculpture, collage making, etc. However, visual art is not the only type of creativity used to treat psychological problems. Other types of art therapy include:

  • dance therapy;
  • music therapy;
  • Drama therapy:
  • writing therapy.

Art therapy for adults is effective for social conflicts, emotional difficulties, severe stress and anxiety. This method is also recommended for people who have experienced psychological trauma.

What are family psychologists needed for?

Family psychologist helps to cope with feelings of loneliness in a couple, jealousy and loss of trust in the partner. Family counseling is needed when there are frequent conflicts, disagreements, decreased interest and sexual attraction to the partner.

Seek psychological help is also worthwhile when there are difficulties in the relationship of parents and children. A family relationship psychologist will help to discuss problems and build trusting relationships between family members. His competences also include depression in a child and psychological assistance to a teenager in personal development and self-determination.